Tips to Write Pythonic code for beginners

Most people give a lot of advice about how to go about writing a Python code in the best way. If you have been a developer for quite a while now, you would be acquainted with the industry’s best practices. First, we must look at what points to consider and what to avoid while writing the correct pythonic code.Python, as we know it, is a simple language to code in compared to others. It comes with guidelines and pythonic idioms that are to be used by the coding community. These idioms and instructions are the main reason python has a simple syntax and high readability.To write the right code, it is essential to get back to the basics. Let us look at some great styles in guidelines and how we have to deal with legacy code in python.

1. Avoid disjointed statements

Python has one statement of a particular code per line. You must follow this rule to a tee. When we tend to write disjointed comments, it goes against the usual python structure and also violates its essence. However, there is an exception to this rule as well. You can use disjointed statements as long as you are working with list comprehensions. List comprehensions and few other compound statements can include brevity and expressiveness.

2. Easy to understand code statements

As a developer in python, always write explicit code. The code has to be explicit, so the user immediately understands what you are trying to drive through that code. Why is this important? The more complex your code becomes; complicated it is to decipher. Also, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify errors and correct those errors in the code. When you are working with any function which is throwing you a result, keep the function clean without too many dependencies.

3. The use of return function

Return functions are a must-have exception in one’s code. As the complexity of a code increases, it becomes imperative that one or more return statements be implemented inside of a function. It is also crucial that this return function delivers the intended values at output points in the function at different intervals. Return functions usually help in maintaining a clear intent and exercising a readability level in the code.

4. Using a pythonic idiom

An idiom is a phrase that is understood when in context. It doesn’t make much sense in a stand-alone situation, but it gives rise to a meaningful statement when coupled with related regard and culture. Programming idioms also work similarly. There are many such idioms you use in python language. The expression or paradigm makes sense only to someone familiar with that culture of code you have written.

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